RSSThe top powerhouse fruits & vegetables

Posted on Wed, 14 Jan 15

The top powerhouse fruits & vegetables

Increasing your consumption of nutrient-dense, super-foods is an important way to optimize your daily intake of many important nutrients. To help, there is a new list of the most nutritious. 

The term “nutrient-dense,” or “super-foods” is increasingly used in popular healthy eating advice but a definition of nutrient density is lacking. Setting out to create a standard Jennifer Di Noia, PhD has published a list of foods that aims to define “powerhouse fruits and vegetables” and quantify nutrient density differences among them using a 3-step process.

First a list of candidates was created based on foods that have the highest probability of health benefits. Secondly, a nutrient density “score” was calculated for each food based on low energy density, high nutrient density and high vitamin and mineral bioavailability. Lastly, foods with a score greater than 10 were classified as powerhouse foods.

Here are the top 20:

top 20 powerhouse nutrient dense super foods

And you can view the full list here.

“The rankings provide clarity on the nutrient quality of the different foods and may aid in the selection of more nutrient-dense items within the powerhouse group,” says Dr Di Noia.


Di Noia J. Defining powerhouse fruits and vegetables: a nutrient density approach. Prev Chronic Dis. 2014 Jun 5;11:E95.

Tags: Super Foods, Nutrient Dense Foods, Powerhouse Foods, Fruit, Vegetables

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