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Is Facebook bad for your health?
Posted on Sun, 22 Sep 13

Is Facebook bad for your health?

Flying in the face of idea that Facebook enhances wellbeing through social connection a recent study suggests it may in fact be undermining your health.

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Lifestyle changes shown to increase telomere length for the first time
Posted on Mon, 16 Sep 13

Lifestyle changes shown to increase telomere length for the first time

Dr Dean Ornish and colleagues have published a study in the Lancet showing for the first time that comprehensive lifestyle changes can increase the length of telomeres. Longer telomeres protect against age related disease and are linked to longevity.

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L-Carnitine stops people dying but will likely be ignored
Posted on Sat, 14 Sep 13

L-Carnitine stops people dying but will likely be ignored

L-Carnitine can significantly reduce risk of death in people who have had a heart attack and decrease other heart problems. However because its a freely available dietary supplement and not a pharmaceutical drug it is unlikely to get the attention it deserves.

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What happens to your body after you eat broccoli?
Posted on Wed, 11 Sep 13

What happens to your body after you eat broccoli?

Broccoli is a super food, not only is it nutritious it is a rich source of phytochemicals that increase your natural defenses against oxidative stress, and DNA damage.

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Cinnamon keeps your blood sugar sweet, suggests new analysis
Posted on Wed, 11 Sep 13

Cinnamon keeps your blood sugar sweet, suggests new analysis

An analysis of 10 clinical trials has concluded that cinnamon may be a useful addition to diabetes treatment. The researchers found that cinnamon has a beneficial effect on fasting plasma glucose, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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Chamomile for depression
Posted on Tue, 12 Feb 13

Chamomile for depression

The herb chamomile has a long traditional use for depression and anxiety, and an exploratory study supports its anti-depressant activity.

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