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How much green tea should you drink?
Posted on Sat, 15 Dec 12

How much green tea should you drink?

Drinking green tea has clear health benefits, but how much should you drink each day? Research suggests enjoying just a couple of small cups can have a big impact.

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Pediatrics group offers advice on organic foods
Posted on Mon, 10 Dec 12

Pediatrics group offers advice on organic foods

The American Academy of Pediatrics has published its first guidance on organic foods. Taken together, the report suggests organic foods may have both environmental and health benefits.

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Healthy brains work even better with omega-3
Posted on Mon, 10 Dec 12

Healthy brains work even better with omega-3

Nutrients in food can have a profound effect on mental function and for the first time a study has shown that omega-3 fatty acids boost working memory, which is critical for reasoning and problem solving.

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For a better brain, avoid processed foods
Posted on Tue, 4 Dec 12

For a better brain, avoid processed foods

A processed food diet is related poor memory and cognitive function while a whole food diet may help protect against age related cognitive decline.

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Calories from alcohol as bad a soft drinks?
Posted on Tue, 4 Dec 12

Calories from alcohol as bad a soft drinks?

Plenty of attention has been given to the contribution of soft drink to excessive calorie intake, but alcoholic drinks may be supersizing people too.

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Looking old reveals heart disease risk
Posted on Mon, 26 Nov 12

Looking old reveals heart disease risk

Telltale signs of aging may indicate you have a higher risk for heart attack according to a new study.

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