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Brazil nuts improve brain health
Posted on Sun, 14 Feb 16

Brazil nuts improve brain health

Just one Brazil nut a day eliminated selenium deficiency, improved anti-oxidant defences and enhanced cognitive function in older age adults with mild cognitive impairment.

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Coconut oil improves heart health and weight loss
Posted on Mon, 1 Feb 16

Coconut oil improves heart health and weight loss

A relatively small amount of raw extra virgin coconut oil daily may help improve heart health and lower body weight, according to a new study from Brazil.

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Nordic diet reduces inflammatory gene expression
Posted on Mon, 1 Feb 16

Nordic diet reduces inflammatory gene expression

A healthy traditional Nordic diet has been shown to alter 128 genes in fat tissue, most related to reductions in inflammation which is though to be responsible for atherosclerosis and heart disease.

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Sugar linked to gut bacteria overgrowth
Posted on Mon, 1 Feb 16

Sugar linked to gut bacteria overgrowth

A diet high in added sugars, refined carbohydrates and low in fiber has been linked to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), a condition associated with abdominal pain and thought to play a role in the development of a diverse range of illness beyond the digestive system.

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CoQ10 for heart failure: safe, effective, saves lives
Posted on Mon, 11 Jan 16

CoQ10 for heart failure: safe, effective, saves lives

The nutritional supplement CoQ10 is coming of age as a treatment for heart failure with evidence showing it is safe, effective and can save lives, according to a new review in the journal Open Heart.

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Dietary guide for the prevention of depression
Posted on Mon, 11 Jan 16

Dietary guide for the prevention of depression

The link between nutrition and depression prevention and treatment is often neglected, and in fact there have been no published dietary guidelines for depression, until now that is.

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