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Organic diet lowers pesticide levels in kids
Posted on Mon, 12 Oct 15

Organic diet lowers pesticide levels in kids

Pesticide residues in food are an important source of exposure to toxic chemicals in children, and an increasing number of studies suggest an organic diet can help reduce exposure.

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The diet delusion
Posted on Mon, 12 Oct 15

The diet delusion

Most adults think they have a good diet and adequate intake of key micronutrients such as vitamin D, despite evidence to the contrary. This discovery may help explain the failure of nutritional guidelines.

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Fish oil prevents psychosis
Posted on Tue, 29 Sep 15

Fish oil prevents psychosis

People at high risk of developing psychotic symptoms may significantly reduce their long-term risk of developing psychosis with use of fish oil, according to new research.

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Coffee delays your body clock
Posted on Tue, 29 Sep 15

Coffee delays your body clock

Researchers have shown that a daily dose of coffee delays your body clock, which helps explain why it can disturb sleep.

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Resveratrol shows promise for Alzheimers
Posted on Tue, 29 Sep 15

Resveratrol shows promise for Alzheimers

A clinical study in people with Alzheimers disease has suggested resveratrol is safe and can improve disease biomarkers, which should pave the way for more research.

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Sugar detox cuts cravings
Posted on Mon, 14 Sep 15

Sugar detox cuts cravings

A group of people who cut out all added sugars and artificial sweeteners for 2 weeks found that sugar cravings went away, they lost their taste for sugary foods, and that sugar-free foods tasted better.

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