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Mitochondrial nutrients delay Parkinson's disease
Posted on Mon, 18 May 15

Mitochondrial nutrients delay Parkinson's disease

Treatment with nutrients that improve brain energy metabolism may delay the progression of Parkinson's disease, according to a new clinical study.

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Kefir improves digestive health
Posted on Fri, 15 May 15

Kefir improves digestive health

Kefir is not your average fermented food; unlike most yoghurt it is rich in probiotic bacteria and may improve regularity and digestive health.

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Blueberries beat blood pressure
Posted on Mon, 11 May 15

Blueberries beat blood pressure

A food-as-medicine intervention study has found an important blood pressure lowering effect of daily blueberries in women with high blood pressure.

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Traditional diet transforms gut health
Posted on Fri, 8 May 15

Traditional diet transforms gut health

In a diet-swap study a traditional African diet reversed several markers of colon cancer risk within just 2-weeks, while a modern American diet increased risk.

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Vibrant vegetables significantly prevent breast cancer
Posted on Tue, 5 May 15

Vibrant vegetables significantly prevent breast cancer

An important new 20-year study has found large reductions in breast cancer risk with higher intakes of carotenoids, the pigments that give dark green, red, yellow and orange vegetables their rich colors.

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Sauerkraut: super food, or health risk?
Posted on Tue, 21 Apr 15

Sauerkraut: super food, or health risk?

Fermented foods such as Sauerkraut are being increasingly cited as super foods in pop nutrition, but a new scientific review of Sauerkraut tells a very different story.

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